A work-from-home Sales Agent gets to enjoy the comfort of home while working with customer around the country. Work with our professional sales staff and we will assist you in finding next customer opportunity. While building relationships with customers, you can count on us to assist you in the process and then move your loads. If you are interested in learning more, please use the form on the right side of the page.
Home Sale Agent Advantages
- Build Your Own Business And Customer Base
- Opportunity To Develop Customers & Broker Freight
- No Commuting To Work, Save Time & Money
- Work From Home and Balance Work & Home Activities
- Deduct Home Office Expense
We use today’s technologies and help put them to use in our homes. Select Dispatch will help you to grow your home based business. The office requirements are simple, inexpensive, and most of the time you already have them. Our training and support will help every home dispatcher to the road to success.
Home Office Requirements
- Computer, Phone & Scanning Device
Tools That Are Provided or Available
- Software to track your customers and revenue
- Email – Use your own or use our professional email
- CMS, TMS & CRM Web- Based Software are provided at no cost
- Collaborative Lead Process
Can I Really Build My Own Business?
Yes! Like any business, you have to work hard to build it, but your hard work will pay off. You are not alone. Select Dispatch is here to help you succeed. As a work-from-home Sales Agent we will help put your trucking knowledge and personality to good use in building relationships with new customers. In that way, you will grow revenue faster and enjoy your career more.
This business is built on relationships and we are committed to helping those professional Sales Agents who work so hard to build business across this great country. If you like to work with transportation professionals, talk on the phone and are motivated, then you have the necessary skills to be successful. Please complete the form on the right side of the page and we will contact you with more information.